6位 炭酸(たんさん)飲料対応(たいおう)ボトル

6th Carbonated beverage compatible bottles
In 2022, Tiger Mahobin and Thermos released stainless steel bottles compatible with carbonated beverages.
For carbonated beverage bottles, if the pressure increases,
we can use the lid to release the pressure from inside using the equipped pressure release hole.
When you open the bottle, you only need to turn the lid a little bit to release the pressure.
Then you can open the lid.
7位 翠(すい)ジンソーダ缶(かん)

7th Sui gin and soda can
Sui Gin Soda can is an alcoholic drink made by mixing 1:4 ratio of Sui and soda.
The base ingredient Sui is carefully blended using eight different traditional herbs and three Japanese ingredients: yuzu, green tea, and ginger.
8位 日産サクラ/ekクロス EV

ekクロス EVは三菱(みつびし)自動車で販売(はんばい)されている、軽(けい)の電気自動車である。
8th Nissan Sakura / ekcross EV
The Nissan Sakura is a completely new electric vehicle of the Kei Car type that runs 100% on electricity.
In addition to small-turn performance unique to a Kei Car, it provides a silent and smooth ride unique to electric vehicles.
While maintaining a compact body, the ekcross EV has sufficient cruising range. It also has a spacious interior for everyday driving, like for commuting, shopping, and so on.
The ekcross EV is sold by Mitsubishi Motors Corporation as an electric vehicle of Kei Car type.
9位 スプラトゥーン3

スプラトゥーン3は、任天堂より2022年9月9日に発売されたNintendo Switch用のアクションシューティングケームである。発売後3日間で、国内販売(はんばい)本数が345万本を突破した。
9th Splatoon 3
Splatoon 3 is an action shooting game for Nintendo Switch, released by Nintendo on September 9, 2022.
Three days after its release, the number of domestic sales exceeded 3.45 million.
The main character is a squid that can transform into a humanoid form.
The main feature of the game are Turf wars. Within three minutes, four players need to team up and paint the ground with ink. The team with the most ground covered in ink wins.
10位 冷やし中華(ちゅうか)

10th Chilled Chinese noodles
Nichirei Foods developed a product. The product is sold with ice inside.
Taking advantage of the characteristics of Ice, that is not easily affected by heat, it will remain chilled with ice even if you put the product in the microwave.
The condition of noodles will also have a wonderfully smooth texture, which will feel like fresh noodles when it goes down your throat.
