2023年 SDGsのニュース
One year after the new plastic law was put into effect, Starbucks and McDonald’s were among those who started introducing paper straws.

世界人権宣言(せんげん)75周年(しゅうねん)、 国際人権基準(きじゅん)への議論活発。スリランカ人女性ウィシュマさんのような犠牲者(ぎせいしゃ)を再(ふたた)び生み出さないために
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is celebrating its 75th anniversary. There is a growing debate on the standards of international human rights to ensure that victims such as the Sri Lankan woman, Wishma Sandamali, won’t appear again.

In the 2023 SDG achievement ranking, Japan was ranked 21st amongst the world, falling compared to last year. Japan received the lowest rating for their pursuit to prevent climate change and other issues.

The G7 Hiroshima Summit was held in 2023, the year that marks the halfway point to the SDG achievement deadline coming 2030. Japan among many others will work together with Global South to strengthen cooperation.

Gakujyo, an employment information service company, conducted a survey on SDGs among prospective graduates. They found that more than half of the students are aware of the company’s commitment to the SDGs when deciding on a job.