2022年の10大ニュース(The Top Ten News Stories of 2022)③


2022年 エンタメの10大ニュース

①「劇場版(げきじょうばん) 呪術(じゅじゅつ)廻戦(かいせん)0」興行(こうぎょう)収入100億円(おくえん)突破。公開から43日間で

Admission sales for “The movie version of Jujutsu Kaisen 0” exceeded by 10 billion yen following 43 days since its premiere.


Souta Fujii attained the title “Dragon King,” becoming the first in history to hold five titles… He won four games consecutively and attained the King rank… “The results were better than I expected, considering my ability.



“Drive My Car” won the Academy Award for Best International Feature Film… It is the first Japanese Film to win in the last 13 Years.



Fujiko Fujio(A), the author of “Q the Spook,” “Ninja Hattori-kun,” and “Laughing Salesman” died at the age of 88.



Ryuhei Ueshima died at his home. …He was known for his catchphrases “I have not heard” and “Never push me” in Dacho Club.



Shogi player Yoshiharu Habu of 9-dan became the first to achieved 1,500 wins in history. “I am going to keep moving forward.” He defeated shogi player Yamazaki of 8-dan in a ranked match.

⑦コミケ「マナー徹底(てってい)」で17万人来場 リアル開催(かいさい)の試金石

As a result of the thorough measures against COVID-19, 170,000 attendees were able to gather for Comic Market without issue. It became a criterion for future local events.



Enraku Sanyutei passed away at the age of 72 due to lung cancer… He co-starred with Utamaru in “Shouten.”



Jin, the oldest member of the South Korean music group “BTS,” has enlisted in the South Korean army for military service. In the future, other members of BTS will also enlist as soldiers one after another. BTS hopes to resume group activities with all their members by 2025.



King & Prince’s Yuta Kishi, Sho Hirano, and Yuta Jinguji will leave the group in May 2023… because they concluded that the goals they are aiming for are different from each other. Two members will remain in the group.


メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


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