2022年の10大ニュース(The Top Ten News Stories of 2022)①


2022年 社会の10大ニュース

  • 共通テスト問題、試験中にSNSで流出か…東大生2人が知らずに解答返信
    Exam questions were leaked on social media before the exam…? 2 Tokyo University students wrote their answers unaware.


  • 札幌(さっぽろ)発着のJR全列車、7日は除雪作業で全運休…24時間降雪量(こうせつりょう)が最多の60センチに
    All JR trains to/from were suspended on the 7th for snow removal. Snowfall reached 60cm in 24 hours, the highest ever recorded.


  • ロシア軍(ぐん)、ウクライナに侵攻(しんこう)…プーチン大統領(だいとうりょう)「東部で特殊(とくしゅ)作戦を開始」
    Russian Army invades Ukraine…President Vladimir Putin said he will “commence special operations to the east.”
  • 初の「電力逼迫(ひっぱく)警報」で節電(せつでん)呼びかけ…真冬並(な)みの冷え込み予想、東京電力管内(かんない)9都県(とけん)対象(たいしょう)
    First power crunch warning calls for power conservation… Midwinter-like temperatures are forecasted for 9 prefectures in TEPCO’s service areas.


  • 観光船26人連絡(れんらく)取れず、知床(しれとこ)沖(おき)で「浸水(しんすい)」通報
    Tour boat with 26 passengers aboard lost contact, submergence reported off the Shiretoko Peninsula.


  • 沖縄(おきなわ)復帰(ふっき)50年式典(しきてん) 「平和の島(しま)」なお遠く 過重な基地(きち)負担(ふたん)今も
    On the 50th anniversary of Okinawa’s reversion, the burden of excessive military presence remains, and the “Island of Peace” is still far from realization.


  • KDDIの大規模(だいきぼ)通信障害(しょうがい)、音声通話2316万人・データ通信775万人以上に影響(えいきょう)
    KDDI’s massive communication failure, affecting 23.16 million voice callers and over 7.75 million data communication users.
  • 10月値上げ「今年最大」9月の2.7倍(ばい)…飲食料品6500品超(ひんちょう)対象(たいしょう)、家電や住宅設備(せつび)も上昇(じょうしょう)
    October price increase the “largest this year” 2.7 times more than September… Over 6,500 food and beverage items included, electric appliances and home equipment also rose.


  • 水際対策(たいさく)緩和(かんわ)、訪日客で空港にぎわう…旅行支援(しえん)も初日から予約殺到
    Relaxation of waterfront measures, influx of visitors at airports due to inbound tourism…travel support is also seeing a surge in bookings from the first day.


  • 円相場、一時1ドル=151円台まで下落…32年ぶりの円安水準(すいじゅん)を更新
    Yen exchange rate temporarily falls to 151 yen per US dollar. Yen hits its first low in 32 years.



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