2022年の10大ニュース(The Top Ten News Stories of 2022)②


2022年 スポーツの10大ニュース

  • 青学大が2位に10分超差(ちょうさ)の歴史的(れきしてき)大勝…圧倒的(あっとうてき)な選手層(せんしゅそう)の厚(あつ)さ、復路(ふくろ)で区間賞(くかんしょう)3人
    Aoyama Gakuin University won with more than 10 minutes compared to the university that placed second… It was incomparably better than the other universities, with three people getting the Section award on their way back.


  • 内村(うちむら)航平(こうへい)、現役引退を発表…体操(たいそう)個人(こじん)総合(そうごう)で五輪(ごりん)連覇(れんぱ)
    Uchimura retiring as a player… An Olympic champion in Individual all-around gymnastics.


  • 日本のメダル18個(こ)で過去最多、主将(しゅしょう)の高木美帆(みほ)が4個(こ)…冬季(とうき)最年少・最年長のメダリストも誕生(たんじょう)
    Japan won a record of 18 medals at the Winter Olympics. The captain, Takagi Miho, won 4 medals. In addition to becoming the youngest, as well as the oldest medalist for the Winter Olympics.


  • サッカー日本代表、7大会連続のW杯出場決定…途中出場の三笘(みとま)が2ゴール
    The Japan national football team reached 7th in the world cup rankings… Mitoma scored two goals during the world cup.


  • 史上(しじょう)最年少で完全試合の佐々木(ささき)朗希(ろうき)、「特に三振(さんしん)は狙(ねら)わず」13連続Kの新記録(しんきろく)も
    Rouki Sasaki, the youngest player in history to complete a perfect game, achieved a new record of 13 consecutive Ks despite saying he wasn’t particularly aiming for strikeouts”


  • 羽生(はにゅう)結弦(ゆづる)、競技(きょうぎ)の第一線(だいいっせん)を退く意向表明「プロのアスリートとして続けていく」
    Yuzuru Hanyu expresses his intention to retire from the front line of competitive skating, and to “continue as a professional athlete.”


  • 阿部(あべ)一二三(ひふみ)が世界柔道(じゅうどう)3度目V、丸山(まるやま)城志郎(じょうしろう)を下す…阿部(あべ)詩(うた)も3度目制覇(せいは)
    Abe Hihumi has won the Judo World Championships for the third time, after defeating Maruyama Jousirou… Abe Uta has won a total of three times there as well.


  • ヤクルト村上(むらかむ)宗隆(むねたか)が56号…王貞治(さだはる)の記録(きろく)抜き日本最多ホームラン
    Yakult’s No.56 Munetaka Murakami hit a home run. He broke Sadaharu Oh’s record for the most home runs for Japan.


  • オリックスが4連勝で26年ぶり日本一、太田が先頭打者本塁打(ほんるいだ)…ヤクルト反撃(はんげき)及(およ)ばず
    Orix won their fourth straight and became Japan’s first No.1 team in 26 years; Ota hit a home run and lead off the inning… Yakult failed to counterattack.


  • 日本代表2-1でスペインを撃破(げきは)、2大会連続4度目の16強進出…堂安律(りつ)と田中碧(あお)が後半にゴール連発
    The Japanese National Team defeated The Spanish National Team with 2-1, The Japanese national team was able to reach the top 16 for the fourth time in two consecutive tournaments… Ritsu Douan and Ao Tanaka scored many goals in the second half.


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