大掃除(おおそうじ=Big Clean-up Day)は日本の年末行事(ねんまつぎょうじ)!






It is such a hard work that our company has a big clean-up day. Let’s see the poster on the noticeboard to announce the assignment for each division.




Since the place will get dusty all over, it is better to dress appropriately for the cleaning work.


家の大掃除(おおそうじ)のことも考えてる? エアコンのフィルターや吹き出し口(ふきだしぐち)はめったに掃除しないから、この機会にきれいにしなくちゃね。


Do you also consider planning a house cleaning day? The air conditioner filters and nozzles are seldom cleaned, so we should not forget this occasion.




Recently, professional house cleaning companies offer services to meet any cleaning need including air conditioner or even kitchen gas stove and range hood.





Susuharai – house dust sweeping is a Japanese tradition that at the end of the year we clean up thoroughly.(すす払い、つまり室内の塵を掃くことは、年の終わりにすみずみまで掃除をする日本の伝統的な習慣です。)


In order to welcome the god of the coming year, people prepare themselves by cleaning and decorating our house.(年の初めに現れる歳神様をお迎えするため、人々は家を掃除したり飾り付けたりして準備をします。)


In the middle of December, famous Buddhist Temples and Shinto Shrines have ritual cleaning by the followers and monks.(12月の中ごろには、有名なお寺や神社が信者と僧侶によるお清めの儀式を行います。)


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