2022年ヒット商品ランキング 1~5位



1位 Yakult1000/Y1000

Yakult1000/Y1000は、ヤクルト史上(しじょう)最高密度(さいこうみつど)の「乳酸菌(にゅうさんきん) シロタ株(かぶ)」が含(ふく)まれている。乳酸菌(にゅうさんきん) シロタ株(かぶ)には、「ストレスをやわらげる」、「睡眠(すいみん)の質を高める」、「腸内環境(ちょうないかんきょう)を改善(かいぜん)する」という3つの機能があると報告されている。

1st Yakult1000/Y1000

Yakult 1000/Y1000 contains the highest density of “lactic acid bacteria, strain Shirota” in the history of Yakult. It is reported that lactic acid bacteria, strain Shirota has three effects for “relieving stress.”  “improving quality of sleep,” and “improving the intestinal environment.t”


2位 ちいかわ


2nd Chiikawa

“Chiikawa” is an abbreviation for ” something small and cute.” It is a cartoon with “Chikawa,” the protagonist, “Hachiware” (a cat), and “Usagi” (a rabbit) as main characters. Each episode contains a self-contained story. In 2020, the cartoon was announced on Twitter, and in 2021 a comic book was published. From April 2022, the TV animation will start airing.


3位 PCM冷却(れいきゃく)ネックリング

首に装着(そうちゃく)し、長時間28℃以下の温度(おんど)を保持(ほじ)することができるリング。次世代の特殊(とくしゅ)素材(そざい):PCM(Phase Change Material)が使用されているため、急激(きゅうげき)な温度(おんど)変化にも対応(たいおう)できるとされている。PCM素材(そざい)であれば、冷蔵(れいぞう)せずに使用することができる。

3rd PCM cooling neck ring

PCM cooling neck ring is wrapped around the neck and can maintain a temperature of 28°C or less for a long time. Next-generation special material: PCM (Phase Change Material) is used, so it is said that it can respond to sudden temperature changes. PCM materials can be used without the need to refrigerate.


4位 トップガン マーヴェリック


4th Top Gun: Maverick

A sequel of 1986’s Top Gun, ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ was released in May 2022. Tom Cruise continues to play a leading character from previous “Top Gun.” In order to pursue the pinnacle of realism, an IMAX camera was installed on a fighter plane during the recording. The box-office revenue exceeded 13 billion yen, making it a big hit.


5位 完全メシ


5th Perfect Meal

Perfect meal is designed to provide a well-balanced intake of the 33 types of nutrients, that have been set in the Dietary Reference Intakes, for Japanese. With Perfect meal, you can take a well-balanced diet. The lineup includes room-temperature foods such as curry, abura soba (Oiled Ramen Noodles), smoothies, and granola; as well as frozen foods (katsudon).





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