栗ご飯(くりごはん)の材料(ざいりょう)、レシピは?家で作ると面倒?―No-Fuss Ways to Cook Chestnut Rice at Home




混ぜご飯を英語でシンプルに言うとmixed rice。でも、混ぜご飯の文化はアジア以外にはあまりないので、外国人にはイメージしてもらいにくいかもしれません。そこで、材料もきちんと言うのがおすすめ。栗ご飯ならchestnut riceと説明しましょう!


I am falling in love with home cooking, and want to make the most of autumn’s harvest. What ingredients do you recommend?



Chestnuts are widely used in a variety of food and dishes. Among them, Kurigohan, chestnut rice is a perfect dish for this season.



I feel like I can make it. Rice and chestnuts, water, soy sauce, mirin, sugar and salt. Put them all together in the rice cooker, and all I have to do is wait, right?



However, it’s tiresome and time-consuming to soften the shells of the chestnuts and peel them carefully. It doesn’t matter if you buy a ready-made one from the supermarket.




※日本語名称はダイエーwebサイト「新米を味わう 秋の炊き込みごはん」より引用

  • 五目炊き込みご飯

rice seasoned with soy sauce and boiled with five or so ingredients

  • きのこと塩昆布の炊き込みご飯

rice cooked with mushrooms and salted kelp

  • 牛肉とごぼうの混ぜご飯

rice mixed with grilled beef and boiled burdock

  • きのこと秋鮭の炊き込みご飯

rice cooked with mushrooms and autumn salmon

  • 焼き栗ご飯

rice with roasted chestnuts

  • ひじきとツナのき込みご飯

rice cooked with simmered Hijiki seaweed and tuna in oil

  • 塩焼きさんまの五目ご飯

rice with salt-grilled Pacific saury and five or so ingredients


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