Ginkgo Nut(ぎんなん)の食べ方を、英語と日本語で話してみよう!






I went to pick up ginkgo nuts. This time, I could get more than I expected. However, they are stinky. I am wondering how can I eat these ginkgoes?




First, soak them in a bucket of water for about 1 week to soften the coat. Then remove the outer skin and the pith. Dry them well afterwards.




Yeah, I have seen that! Ginkgo nuts are then spread on the net and dried in the sun, right?




When they are ready, it’s okay to roast them in a pan and eat them seasoning with salt. It’s also delicious to put in Chawanmushi, pot-steamed hotchpotch.




In autumn, trees turn from beautiful green into yellow, orange and shiny bright red.



今回取り上げた「ぎんなん」がなる銀杏(イチョウ)の木は英語でginkgo treeと言います。ほかにも、秋が観賞期になっているいろいろな木があります。


  • 楓(カエデ): maple (tree)
  • 柿:(Japanese) persimmon tree
  • クヌギ: oak tree
  • クロマツ:Japanese black pine
  • アカマツ:Japanese red pine
  • ウバメガシ:ubame oak
  • 杉:Japanese cedar
  • 欅(けやき): (Japanese) zelkova
  • 栗:chestnut tree


知っている名前はありましたか?「栗」は小さいころ、Under the spreading chestnut tree(大きな栗の木の下で)の歌で覚えた人もいるかもしれませんね。


メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


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