今年のバレンタイン、だれにプレゼントを贈(おく)った?―Whom Did You Give Gifts On This Valentine’s Day?





Valentine’s Day in Japan is the day for girls to express their true feelings to their secret crushes. I wonder if you have a similar culture in Canada.



I know a lot about Valentine’s Day in Japan  because it is a common custom often seen in anime and manga. We don’t have that kind of a cultural custom in the springtime of youth like asking somebody to go out with you in Canada.



Do you have a custom of buying and giving  chocolate to the people around you in Canada?



We  search for heart-shaped  Valentine chocolate sold in Canada. However, the chocolate sold in supermarkets look cheap and aren’t of high quality. Instead of giving chocolate to their beloved, couples generally prefer spending time together alone at home,  at a restaurant,  or somewhere quiet.




① 西武池袋本店

約100のチョコレートブランドが集う「チョコレートパラダイス 2022」が実施されました。6つのテーマを提示することによって、その人に合ったチョコレートを購入することができたのです。ガーナ産カカオを使用したチョコレートが、マーハチョコレートから販売され、売上一部は現地の支援に充てられています。

Seibu Ikebukuro Main Store

“Chocolate Paradise 2022″ was held with about 100 chocolate brands. 6 themes were presented so that people could buy chocolate that fit their needs. Chocolate made from Ghanaian cacao were sold by Maha Chocolate, and a portion of the proceeds is used to support the local community.

② 新宿タカシマヤ


Shinjuku Takashimaya

The “Amour du Chocolat” was held as a “Festival of Chocolat” with over 100 brands. Some of the products were made with various considerations in mind. The first was a vegan chocolat from Paris, based on the concept of vegan, organic, and plastic-free. The second product is a sustainable chocolat made from bananas that have no quality problems, and are discarded because of their brown spots or other appearance.


③ 銀座松屋本店


③ Ginza Matsuya Main Store

“Ginza Valentine’s Day World” was held as a Valentine’s Day fair at Matsuya Ginza. With the increase in home drinking due to the Corona vortex, interest in alcoholic beverages have been increasing. Therefore, special chocolate designed to be enjoyed with alcohol were introduced.


④ 仙台三越

パリ発、チョコレートの祭典、「サロン・デュ・ショコラ」が開催され、約100のブランドが出店しました。東北地方の原料を使用した限定商品が、3ブランドで販売されます。宮城県の阿部勘酒造店の「阿部勘 大吟醸」を使用し、お米の旨味を引き立てながら、口の中で心地よくとろける「阿部勘生チョコレート」が一例です。また、日本人ショコラティエがオーストラリアで経営している、ナカムラチョコレートが出店しました。

④ The “Salon du Chocolat”, a chocolate festival from Paris, was held, and about 100 brands opened.  Limited edition products using ingredients from the Tohoku region will be sold by three brands. One example is the “Abekan Raw Chocolate,” which uses “Abekan Daiginjo” from the Abekan Sake Brewery in Miyagi Prefecture to enhance the flavor of the rice while melting comfortably in the mouth. In addition, Nakamura Chocolates, which is run by a Japanese chocolatier in Australia, has opened a store.


⑤ ジェイアール名古屋髙島屋


⑤ JR Nagoya Takashimaya

“Amour du Chocolat”, one of the largest chocolate festivals in Japan, was held with about 150 brands carefully selected from around the world. Patisserie Sadaharu Aoki Paris focused on Kameyama tea, selecting six types of tea leaves and selling chocolate that made the most of the characteristics of each tea leaf. In addition, the “Traveling Sweets” project was carried out, in which sweets were transported by means of low-CO2 emission transportation.


⑥ 阪急うめだ本店


⑥ Hankyu Department Store Umeda Main Store

One of the largest chocolate festivals, “Valentine’s Chocolate Expo 2022” in Japan was held with 3000 different types of chocolate from 300 different brands.

There are corners such as “Cacao World” where you can enjoy chocolate with different flavors depending on the production area of cacao, and “Communal Chocolate” which conveys the feelings of various local makers.  It felt like walking about an exhibition for chocolate.




⑦ Takashimaya Osaka store

“Amour du Chocolat” was held as an annual “Chocolat Festival”. With the theme of “chocolate parade,” Items in three categories were proposed: world chocolate, caramel sweets, and pop sweets. At World Chocolat, a lineup of items from each country’s unique brands are available so that you can enjoy the feeling of traveling the world.




⑧ Iwataya Main Store

“Chocolat Festival-2022-” was held. The theme of 2022 is “Creating the Future of Chocolat”, a festival that wishes for the happiness and smiles of many chocolate lovers around the world. New items from Divan, Frank Kestner, David Kaby, and Lenotre were presented.




⑨ Hakata Hankyu

“Valentine Festa 2022” was held under the theme  “Valentine’s Day, Be Yourself”, and 145 brands of chocolate and sweets were lined up. “Remo Order”  supports orders by phone and online, and purchases can be delivered to your home. In addition,  products have collaborated with three hotels have introduced limited items through remote order.




⑩ Hakata Daimaru (Daimaru Fukuoka Tenjin store)

At Hakata Daimaru, the “Unique Sweets Collection 2022” was held, and items from more than 100 brands were made available. At the Kyushu  Revelating Discoveries booth, items in collaboration with Western and Japanese confectionery makers were sold. In addition, “Subway 40th Anniversary Set” and “Fukuoka City Subway DECO (decoration) Chocolate” have also been presented.



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