2022年ヒット商品ランキング 16~20位



16位 第2次(だい2じ)カヌレブーム


16th The Second Canelé  Craze

Canelé is a traditional French confectionery, baked in small molds called canelé molds.

The main ingredients are eggs, milk, sugar, flour, and so on. The surface texture is crispy, and inside is soft and chewy.

It became a craze again with many that ‘’evolved’’ from the original recipe, with different toppings and other arrangements. It is sold at major convenience stores.

17位 セカンド冷凍庫(れいとうこ)


17th Sub-Freezers

By the influence of the coronavirus,  the use of sub-freezers became widespread. The spread of the coronavirus has caused people to refrain from going out, shop less frequently, and buy in bulk. As a result, people started buying in larger quantities of frozen foods, increasing the demand for sub-freezers.

18位 アサヒ生ビール


18th Asahi Nama Beer

Asahi began brewing beer in 1986 under the  label ‘’Asahi Nama Beer Maru F.’’ After trial and error, ‘’It’s tastefully tasteful, yet sharp.’’ A whole new taste was born. This is ‘’Asahi Nama Beer.’’

It was once sold out back in 2021. However, it is back to bring warmth to Japan.


19位 YOLU


19th YOLU

This is a homemade hair care product by i-ne.  The features include:

– Protecting hair from friction and damage from dryness that occurs while sleep.

-Contains bark extract called ‘’clock tree’’ to moisturize the scalp and hair that tend to dry out through the night.

-Intensive repair to damaged areas with moisture-retaining ingredients, which helps hair retain moisture to manage hair.

20位 instax mini Evo


20th Instax Mini Evo

Hybrid instant camera from Fujifilm. There are three features.

First 100 different expressions are possible by operating the lens dial and the film dial. Second,  It has bluetooth compatibility and convenient functions for linking with apps.  Third,  High-quality Cheki prints can be achieved by doubling the exposure density of the film.



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