2021年ヒット商品ランキング 11~20位


みなさんはどれくらい知っていますか? 来年さらにヒットしそうなものもありますね。

11位 カントリーマアム チョコまみれ


11th: Country Ma’am covered Chocolate

A moist chocolate cookie with chocolate chips,  coated with milk chocolate.


12位 格安越境(えっきょう)EC


12th: Cheap Cross-border EC (electronic commerce)

An online store that sells not only domestically, but also to overseas markets.


13位 アサヒスーパードライ 生ジョッキ缶(かん)


13th: Asahi Super Dry Draft Beer Mug Can

The lid completely opens.  And when you open it, fine bubbles flow out naturally, just like a fresh mug of Super Dry from a restaurant.


14位 桃太郎電鉄 ~昭和 平成 令和も定番!~


14th: Momotaro Dentetsu (Electric railway) ~ Japanese classic! In Showa, Heisei and Reiwa ~

A game in which you become the president of a railroad company, and  acquire properties from all over the country to become the number one in Japan  by total assets


15位 ファインバブルシャワーヘッド


15th: Fine Bubble Shower Head

By simply replacing the shower head, you can absorb grim and dirt with more than 20 million Ultra Fine Bubbles per cc,  by letting them enter between pores and wrinkles and rinsing them away easily.


16位 くちばし型(がた)マスク


16th: Beak-shaped masks

Beak-shaped masks are popular among young people. The three-layer structure, designed based on human body engineering, creates a space around the mouth for easy breathing and prevents the makeup such as lipstick from sticking.


17位 米化オートミール


17th: Riced Oatmeal

This is the substitution for rice or other food by soaking it with water to soften it.


18位 ケイト リップモンスター


18th: Kate Lip Monster

A lipstick that doesn’t fail easily and gives off a beautiful color. The freshly applied color lasts for a long time.  Strong points are its highly pigmented and moisturizing effect.


19位 東京リベンジャーズ


19th: Tokyo Revengers

Series on Shukan Shonen Magazine started in 2017 and has sold over 25 million copies. It has also accomplished itself in different media franchises such as having an anime, a live-action movie, and a stage play.


20位 アリエール 除菌(じょきん)プラス ジェル



20th: Arielle Removing bacteria Plus Gel

A liquid detergent that can kill bacteria. It removes both bacteria from the laundry tub and clothes. Of course, antibacterial and virus removal are OK.



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