2019年 上半期のできごと(Big Events in the First Half of 2019)




  • 厚労省(こうろうしょう)が不正調査を謝罪、雇用保険(こようほけん)など延べ2,000万人に少なく給付
    Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare apologized that the Monthly labor survey was conducted improperly. Due to the faulty survey, benefits paid to a total of 20 million people with employment insurance has been reduced.
  • 【箱根駅伝(はこねえきでん)】東海大学(とうかいだいがく)が大会新で初V、青山学院(あおやまがくいん)は連覇(れんぱ)途絶える
    Tokai University set a new record to win the Hakone Ekiden for the first time. Aoyama Gakuin University’s winning streak was stopped.
  • ZOZO前澤(まえざわ)社長の100万円お年玉プレゼント、応募は355万RTを超え世界記録達成
    Retweets to the Tweet that Mr. Maezawa, the president of ZOZOTOWN, said he gave 1 million yen for a New Year’s gift exceeded 3.35million. He achieved a new world record for the number of retweets.


  • くら寿司(くらずし)などが相次ぎ不適切動画を謝罪、従業員が悪ふざけ動画投稿で
    Chain stores, “Kurazushi” and others, have apologized for what their employees did. They said it was inappropriate of their employees to have posted the over-the-top prank videos.
  • 競泳の池江璃花子(いけえりかこ)選手、白血病を公表
    Swimmer Rikako Ikee revealed that she was diagnosed with leukemia.
  • 映画「ボヘミアン・ラプソディ」が「スター・ウォーズ」超え、興収(こうしゅう)6億円を突破
    The movie “Bohemian Rhapsody” grossed over 11.66 billion yen, exceeding “Star wars”.


  • セブンイレブンが24時間営業の見直しへ、一部店舗で実験
    Seven-Eleven started a trial at some stores in order to abolish the around-the-clock operation.
  • イチローが引退発表(いんたいはっぴょう)「後悔(こうかい)などあろうはずない」
    Baseball player Ichiro announced he was retiring, and he said “How could I possibly have any regrets?”
  • 麻薬取締法違反(まやくとりしまりほういはん)の疑いでピエール瀧(ピエールたき)容疑者を逮捕、出演作の自粛(じしゅく)など相次ぐ
    Actor Pierre Taki was arrested on suspicion of violating the Narcotics Control Law. Many movies and dramas containing scenes where he appears have been cut.


  • 新元号「令和」、祝賀(しゅくが)ムードを盛り上げに史上初の10連休
    The new era name will be “Reiwa”. In order to enhance the celebratory mood, consecutive 10-day holiday has been established.
  • 白鵬(はくほう)が帰化申請へ、将来「白鵬部屋」誕生も
    Sumo wrestler Hakuho applied for Japanese citizenship. In the future, he may be able to establish his own sumo wrestler group “Hakuho-beya”.
  • 漫画家(まんがか)、モンキー・パンチ氏死去、アニメ「ルパン三世」の作者
    Manga artist Monkey Punch passed away. He was the original author of the TV anime “Lupine Ⅲ”.


  • 新天皇陛下、徳仁(なるひと)さまが即位。第126代「国民に寄り添う」
    Naruhito acceded to the throne, and became the 126th Emperor of Japan. He shared his feelings of “standing with the people”.
  • 17歳プロサッカー選手、久保建英(くぼたけふさ)が日本代表に初選出
    Takefusa Kubo, 17-year-old professional soccer player was selected as a member of Japan’s national team for his first time.
  • NGT48のメンバーで、ファンから暴行被害を受けた山口真帆(やまぐちまほ)、異例の卒業公演
    A member of the idol group “NGT48”, Yamaguchi-Maho, who has received a beating from fans, appeared to graduation performances contrary to precedent.


  • 人生100年時代「2000万円が不足」、金融庁(きんゆうちょう)が報告書
    The Financial Service Agency published the report which says that in case you live to be 100 years old, there will be shortage of 20 million in household asset if public pension is the only source of income.
  • サニブラウン、100メートル9秒97で日本新を樹立(じゅりつ)
    Sani Brown, track and field athlete, ran 100 meters in 9.97 seconds to achieve a new national record.
  • 羽生善治(はぶよしはる)棋士(きし)が通算1434勝目、歴代単独1位に
    Professional shogi player Yoshiharu Habu earned his 1,434th win, which is the first on the all-time list in Shogi.


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