スター選手? それとも地元? 高校野球(やきゅう)の応援(おうえん)のしかた―Popular Team VS Local Team: How to Choose a High School Baseball Team to Support







In the National High School Baseball Tournament, which team are you rooting for?




The best one is the school in my hometown. After it is beaten, the teams in neighboring prefectures are also fine. When I watch my local teams, I feel like coming home.




Besides my local teams, I become eager to sympathize with the underdog. In this tournament, once the team loses, they are eliminated from the championship.




Powerful candidates for the tournament champion are also interesting. We are looking forward to our future professional baseball players.





The National High School Baseball Tournament is the largest scale amateur sport event in Japan about 4,000 schools take part in. Two main annual baseball tournaments are held in spring and summer in the Koshien stadium. (高校野球は現在約4,000校が参加する日本のアマチュアスポーツ最大級の大会で、全国大会は春と夏に兵庫県の甲子園球場で開催されます。)


In the spring tournament called Senbatsu, the 32 schools taking part in the final tourney are nominated by the selection committee.(春の大会は「センバツ」と呼ばれ、選考委員会による選抜によって32の代表校が決定されます。)

On the other hand, representative schools of the summer tournament are determined by the regional tournament. 2 area champions from Tokyo and Hokkaido, 1 winner from another prefecture can participate in the Koshien.(一方、夏の大会の代表校は地方大会によって決まります。東京と北海道は地区優勝の各2校、その他の府県からは1校ずつ、優勝した高校が甲子園に出場できます。)


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