Seasonal Change of Clothing=衣替(ころもが)えのコツ、Dan Sha Ri=断捨離(だんしゃり)って知ってる?





It’s getting a little chilly. We’d better take autumn and winter clothes out of the wardrobe.



I’m curious about the fashion trends this season. How can I mix and match my own outfits together – thinking about coordinated clothes is fun!



By the chance of seasonal change of clothing, let’s try to tidy up the closet, and organize the off-season clothes. We don’t need to feel guilty about recycling unnecessary ones.



In fact, the number of recycle shops, flea markets and internet auction sites is increasing significantly. Recently, some stores let you exchange unwanted clothes for discounts.





“Dan Sha Ri” is a Zen Buddhism term which means “Refuse, Dispose and Detach.”


It describes the process of decluttering our life by throwing away all you don’t need.


Its philosophy is called minimalism that refers not just to physical declutter, but also to mental and emotional declutter.



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