2019年 下半期のできごと(1)(Big Events in the Second Half of 2019)




  • 京アニ(きょうあに)放火、35人が犠牲(ぎせい)に
    35 people died in an arson murder case to Kyoto Animation Co., Ltd.
  • 東京五輪(とうきょうごりん)あと1年でセレモニー
    The Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games 2020 is just a year away, so the Organizing Committee held on the congratulatory ceremony.
  • タピオカミルクティー発祥(はっしょう)の台湾(たいわん)カフェ「春水堂(チュンスイタン)」、日本上陸
    The well-known Taiwanese cafe “Chunsuitan” has opened a cafe in Japan for the first time.


  • 令和最初の「終戦の日」政府が全国戦没者追悼式(ぜんこくせんぼつしゃついとうしき)
    End of the Pacific War memorial day, the first of August 15th of the Reiwa era, the Japanese government held the ceremony which mourned for the people who died in the war.
  • クライミング楢崎智(ならさきともや)、金で五輪(ごりん)代表
    Tomoya Narasaki was victorious for the sports climbing world championship, and he was chosen as an Olympic player.
  • 進次郎(しんじろう)氏(し)と滝川(たきがわ)クリステルさん結婚&妊娠 (にんしん)
    Member of the House of Representatives Shinjiro Koizumi and announcer Christel Takigawa got married and is pregnant.


  • 消費税増税(しょうひぜいぞうぜい)で進む「キャッシュレス化」対応
    Prices go up due to tax increases. The tax is planned to be returned via cashless payment.
  • ラグビーW杯(ワールドカップ)、アジア初開催(はつかいさい) 全国12会場でキックオフ
    The Rugby World Cup was held in Japan for the first time in Asia. The match will be held at 12 stadiums nationwide.
  • ジャニーさんお別れの会、東京ドームに9万人超
    A memorial service for Entertainment Office President, Johnny Kitagawa, was held at Tokyo Dome. More than 90,000 fans gathered.


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