




1位 特等席が全国に どこでも東京五輪(とうきょうごりん)&応援村(おうえんむら)

Special seats are all over Japan, Tokyo Olympics everywhere & OUEN-MURA


Public viewing venues will be established to watch Olympic games. OUEN-MURA will be located next to them and you can enjoy the day with a festive feeling.


2位 応援熱(おうえんねつ)クライマックス 嵐ロス(あらしろす)

Cheering Fever Rise to a Climax, Arashi Loss


Storm of cheering and appreciation will arise the greatest in history towards their hiatus. As members of the fun club keep increasing and the economic impact of the series such as performance tour, albums and so on is estimated 300 billion yen, some say.


3位 “リアルマリオ”化パーク

SUPER NINTENDO WORLD “Real Mario-nized” Park


The world’s first Nintendo area will open in Universal Studios Japan. Yoshi rides and Mario Kart will become the attractions.


4位 スマホ決済第2章(すまほけっさいだい2しょう) 国民総キャッシュレス(こくみんそうきゃっしゅれす)

Chapter 2 of smartphones settlement, the gross national cashless.


The stores and services which are supporting the smartphones settlement expand further.

“Mainapoint” which linked the my number cards starts in the summer and we will get a “bargain” by national policies.


5位 地上230mの天空芝生広場(てんくうしばふひろば) SHIBUYA SKY(渋谷(しぶや)スクランブルスクエア)

Sky lawn open space on the 230m above ground, SHIBUYA SKY SCRAMBLE SQUARE.


Shibuya Sky Scramble Square opened in November 2019, is a building which is the 47 stories and about 230m high.

The highlight of the building is the rooftop’s observation facilities. Not only buildings in Shinjuku and Roppongi, but we can view Mt.Fuji too.

6位 “ひきごもり”の旗手(きしゅ) まふまふ

Banner man of “shut-in” Mafumafu


He is a musician who has been active with a focus on the Internet from 2010. Mafumafu decides to hold his music live in the Tokyo dorm in 2020, which is his goal.


7位 “瞬冷”冷却服(“しゅんれい”れいきゃくふく) レオンポケット

“Instant Cooler” Wearable Air Conditioner REON POCKET


“REON POCKET” developed by Sony is a wearable cooling device which temperature is controlled with a smartphone application. It will become the savior for business workers who never benefit from the cool biz campaign.


8位 快感音ジェニック(かいかんおんじぇにっく) ASMR(エーエスエムアール)

Pleasing Sound-genic ASMR

ASMRは、Autonomous Sensory Meridian Responseの略(りゃく)。聞くだけで快感(かいかん)や心地よさなどの反応(はんのう)を示す。

ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. For people with ASMR, just listening to certain sounds evoke responses such as pleasurable feelings or comfortableness.


9位 デジタルお守り ココヘリプレミアム&ライフビーコン

Digital Amulet COCOHELI Premium & LIFE BEACON


It is a missing object’s tag which helps you search and find your lost items within a radius of 200 meters. Combined with the product, the mountain rescue service by helicopters will be offered. You can find a lost kid in an instant as well as your car or belongings. With the “digital amulet” you may lose a chance to lose something.

10位 “最強姉妹”再び(ふたたび) アナと雪の女王2

“The Strongest Sisters” Again “Frozen Ⅱ”


A sequel to the musical animated movie with a box office revenue over 25.5 billion yen was released in November 2019. Two singing voices resound throughout Japan, causing a social phenomenon.


番外編(ばんがいへん) スポーツの日

Sports Day


From the 2nd year of the Reiwa era, the name of “Health and Sports Day” will be changed to “Sports Day,” and its significance is “to enjoy sports and cultivate a spirit of respect for others and hope for the realization of a healthy and energetic society.”


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